Sunday, July 15, 2012

FISHING 2012!!!

Still enjoying and sharing our passion of the great outdoors - Fishing pics from 2012 so far. ENJOY!!!  ... This is how we roll!

Fishing for PREHISTORIC fish? THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jon with a GIANT BOWFIN (a.k.a- Dogfish)  - July 13, 2012

Close up! Isn't the underwater world of Marine Biology Cool???


Jon with a 4lb+ HUGE LARGEMOUTH BASS!!! Caught at first light with a Hula Popper!

Another trip and another typical sized JON LEE BASS!

Peter hooks onto something BIG....


Another pic of the GIANT MUSKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter with a nice WALLEYE!!! YES - Peter is truly a fishing legend!!!

Janet with a BIG Smallie! Big Smile too! =)

Big Rock Bass too!

oh yeah, and we catch GIANT CRAPPIE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - SECRET LAKE!!!

Peter with a GIANT Crappie too!!!


THE KEEPERS - we caught tons of fish but kept only a few for a nice dinner. PRACTICE CATCH AND RELEASE FISHING AND SUPPORT CONSERVATION!

Peter with a pike

BIG SPRING PIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Another Secret Location for those Gators!)


Perch'n with Stevens and his Brother in Law

 Nice Smallmouth Bass!

Another one!

Catch and Release Fishing!

Jon and I with 2 Smallies - DOUBLE HEADER!!!

Jon with a typical BIG Smallmouth Bass!!!! 

Steph with her first fish of the year! She looks scared too! haha

Whoo hoo!

Thumbs up Steph!

Adrian smiling and Derek sticking out his tongue - Largemouth Bass!

Enoch and I with some keepers (We easily released 30+ more bass!).

Enoch with Ernie's Pike! Looking so cool too!

Family Fishing in Action - The Angler and Net Girl!

Success!!!  Wai-Kit and Bernice with a decent largemouth bass

Spring Rainbow Trout Fishing!!!


View from the YACHT!

Another great view from the lake

Another Sunrise.... simply amazing!

Ice Fishing 2012 - Due to the very mild winter this year, we were only able to go ice fishing a small handful of times. Still gotta love it!

Jenn with her first perch of the year!

Another Jenn with her first Perch!

Becky with a Perch too!

Snowmobil'n and Fish'n with Louise



Monday, June 4, 2012

Fall Fishing 2011

The serious angler means business. Steph Sealy gets ready for an EPIC battle.

Oh, just a few GIANT Salmon like this. All released to swim another day!

Fall Camping and Fishing - Lake Z. Breath taking scenery.

Dave Lam with 1 out of the hundreds we caught!

 Group shot: Dave Lam , Josh Leung (YES, JOSH LEUNG!!! hahaha), and me.