WHOOOO HOOOOO!!! The day started at 5:15 AM and we again had a BLAST! Watching the sunrise on the way to the lake was nice and it was just great to be out again. The fishing was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! We got tons of panfish and even more bonus MONSTER BASS. And I'm talking about some REAL GIANTS. I couldn't believe just how aggressive the fish were everywhere we went. Bass season isn't open yet so we quickly and safely released them all after a quick photo. We also got 2 BIG Whitefish and probably lost 10+ more as well. It was another great trip! Thanks Jon and Albert!
And for the record, everyone who has ever stepped onto the boat has always caught fish. YAY!
Albert started the day catching lots of these

Then all of sudden they get DOUBLE HEADER SMALLIES!

Jon with another Monster Bass

Albert with one of his own

I got some too!

The Release

Close Up - Incredible eh?

BIG WHITEFISH!!! Thanks for holding up my Fish Al! =)

And just before we leave... ANOTHER DOUBLE HEADER!!!-
this should be called brokeback fishing..lol..